Jung-Soo "It drives me batty when my brother plays games with me the wrong way."
Ainsley "It drives me batty when we fight over stuff."
Isabella "It drives me batty when my brother jokes to me and kind of drives me crazy."
Evyatar "It drives me batty when my sister keeps crying."
Mason "It drives me batty when my brother doesn't play games with me."
Sophie "It drives me batty when my sisters are mean to me."
Ryan "It drives me batty when on Halloween my Daddy is wearing a costume."
Avery "It drives me batty when my brother doesn't play video games with me."
Sanju "It drives me batty when my friend doesn't share with me."
Lily "It drives me batty when my brother destroys the stuff I make."
Ashley "It drives me batty when my mom yells at me."
Noah "It drives me batty when my sister hits me and I go tell my mom."
Bennett "It drives me batty when my sister plays Mario Brothers without me."
Adam "It drives me batty when my Daddy teases me and I don't want him to."
Sofie "It drives me batty when my sister plays teacher with me."
Parker Grace "It drives me batty when my brother chases me around like a maniac."
Connor "It drives me batty when my sister thinks everything's hers."
Ethan "It drives me batty when my cousin hits me."
Merit "It drives me batty when my brother dresses up in his Halloween costume and comes into my room and bothers me."
Campbell "It drives me batty when my sister fights over my dog."
Philip "It drives me batty when people have scary decorations on Halloween."
Ava "It drives me batty when my sister comes in my room."
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